Homem Company
(51) 3328-5007

Working hours:

Flexible hours. Please call and check.

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Reference on male fashion

    The store that dresses men with elegance, top to bottom, welcomes its customers at only one address in the capital. HOMEM COMPANY has exclusive tailor’s workshop specially developed for serving who does not have time to lose. It does adjustments on demand in suits, coats, shirts and pants, so you can leave with a ready-to-use clothing.

    Reference on male fashion, Homem works with national and international couture fashion, providing social outfit designs and sportive line. It has also casual and contemporaneous collections and shoes, belts, wallets and ties sectors that can be used on daily life or at parties.

Photos: Divulgation

Reference on male fashion

    The store that dresses men with elegance, top to bottom, welcomes its customers at only one address in the capital. HOMEM COMPANY has exclusive tailor’s workshop specially developed for serving who does not have time to lose. It does adjustments on demand in suits, coats, shirts and pants, so you can leave with a ready-to-use clothing.

    Reference on male fashion, Homem works with national and international couture fashion, providing social outfit designs and sportive line. It has also casual and contemporaneous collections and shoes, belts, wallets and ties sectors that can be used on daily life or at parties.

Photos: Divulgation