Hostel & Hotels
Hotel Laghetto Vertice Manhattan

Moinhos de Vento

(51) 3024-3030

Working hours: 24h

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More space, more cosiness

    The new establishment Laghetto Hotéis, LAGHETTO VERTICE MANHATTAN opened doors in 2017 with a new concept in lodging: Flat rooms with mini complete kitchen, living room and room. Some flats have even a balcony. The long permanence option follows the tendency on the hotel management of offering more space and comfort to its guests.

    There are 168 flats on Luxury and Super Luxury category. The enterprise aims a corporative public, but also joins business and leisure. Besides convention centre, it is possible to enjoy fitness space, covered swimming pool, sauna and the lounge, where the restaurant is located.

Photos: Henrique Fortes

Fotos/Photos: Henrique Fortes

More space, more cosiness

    The new establishment Laghetto Hotéis, LAGHETTO VERTICE MANHATTAN opened doors in 2017 with a new concept in lodging: Flat rooms with mini complete kitchen, living room and room. Some flats have even a balcony. The long permanence option follows the tendency on the hotel management of offering more space and comfort to its guests.

    There are 168 flats on Luxury and Super Luxury category. The enterprise aims a corporative public, but also joins business and leisure. Besides convention centre, it is possible to enjoy fitness space, covered swimming pool, sauna and the lounge, where the restaurant is located.

Photos: Henrique Fortes