Pizzaria Babbo Giovani


(51) 3084-8484

Working hours:

Monday11h30 – 14h30
Monday - Night18h – 23h30
Tuesday11h30 – 14h30
Tuesday - Night18h – 23h30
Wednesday11h30 – 14h30
Wednesday -Night18h – 23h30
Thursday11h30 – 14h30
Thursday - Night18h – 23h30
Friday11h30 – 14h30
Friday - Night18h – 23h30
Saturday11h30 – 0h

Company social networks:

Discs with tasty filling

    Do you know that hot round pasta, filled to the edge with the best spices, herbs and condiments? The pizzeria BABBO GIOVANNI prepares and serve a variety of flavours on salty and sweet versions. For seven years in Porto Alegre, the establishment integrates a network that exists since 1917 in the country.

    One century ago, Italian immigrants of the family Tussato disembarked in São Paulo with recipes of dense, spice sauces for covering the handmade pasta discs that gather families and groups of friends around the table to eat and fraternize. Located at Shopping Paseo Zona Sul, Babbo Giovanni also serves lunch and dinner, it has delivery and kids’ space.

Photos: Daniele Farias

Discs with tasty filling

    Do you know that hot round pasta, filled to the edge with the best spices, herbs and condiments? The pizzeria BABBO GIOVANNI prepares and serve a variety of flavours on salty and sweet versions. For seven years in Porto Alegre, the establishment integrates a network that exists since 1917 in the country.

    One century ago, Italian immigrants of the family Tussato disembarked in São Paulo with recipes of dense, spice sauces for covering the handmade pasta discs that gather families and groups of friends around the table to eat and fraternize. Located at Shopping Paseo Zona Sul, Babbo Giovanni also serves lunch and dinner, it has delivery and kids’ space.

Photos: Daniele Farias